My Writing Journey
I have always been a reader. Isn’t how it begins for all writers? I distinctly recall reading The Omen in Grade 6 and realising that I had a love of drama and the macabre. Decades later, I've mellowed. I enjoy reading crime fiction and as my husband says, ‘watching harrowing documentaries.’ But above all else, I LOVE reading romance. Whether it's a Regency read or a funny Rom-Com, if it's got a whiff of romance, I'm there.
I always remember how good reading made me feel, so it's no wonder I formed an addiction. I was the kid who always read aloud in different accents at school and delighted in locking myself away on the weekends with a new novel. I borrowed as many books as legally possible from my local library and only emerged from my room for snacks.
It was when I started High School that I found a love of romance novels. I actually think the realisation came when I was hoping that the characters in the horror stories would kiss. When we received the occasional Mills & Boon novel as a freebie in the mail, I would always find a way to read it undetected, or usually save it from the recycling bin!
I still recall the moment I borrowed my first romance novel from the library — Nora Roberts' ‘Jewels of the Sun’. As you see, I aimed high. It unlocked something wonderous in my world. I would spend hours daydreaming of characters and stories that would feature in my creative writing assignments. Perhaps a little too racy for my Middle School English project! But oh, what fun I had!!
Over the years, I kept a journal of those ideas purely for my own amusement. Looking back now, I guess it all started when I wrote fanfiction after High School. It was nowhere near as big as it is today, but it gave me the chance to play with characters (based on my real-life pop idols) with the anonymity that I craved. I never thought anything of it, until one day, at university I played with the idea of becoming a writer. It was a VERY long time after that, that I believed I could pursue a writing career.
After a decade of doing everything but writing, I dedicated a year off, penned my first novel and haven't looked back since. Little did I know, stumbling across that Nora Roberts book all those years ago paved the way for this very moment.
So now I juggle work and family with writing, hoping to stay true to all the characters that feature in my imagination. I only hope that you'll enjoy the stories in my head as much as I do!
I’m always open to feedback — good or gut-wrenching — so feel free to say hello. Email me at: books@idabrady.com
In the meantime, take a moment — even if it’s ten minutes on the train — to lose yourself in a good book. Hopefully mine! 😉
With you in romance,
Ida Brady